Bears clubhouse burgled.
A terrible sight confronted volunteers who turned up at the Media Prima Arena this morning to discover that the clubhouse had been broken into overnight. Having spent recent weeks refurbishing the interior and installing new equipment they were horrified to find that the culprits had gained entry by smashing their way in through a window and then proceeded to ransack the building removing anything of value, including the contents of the bar, loaded the goods into wheelie bins and making off over the adjoining Moto X track and finally across the go kart track.
Club promoter Kevin Keay was ” absolutely gutted ” and was devastated by the discovery . He said that weeks of hard work by volunteers to improve the interior had all been in vain as it will all have to be repaired and the loss of the newly acquired electrical equipment, including a flatscreen TV was a severe financial blow.
” I feel sorry for the individuals who have put so much effort in recently” said the promoter but states everything will be repaired and replaced ,where financially possible, before very long.
In an ironic twist a new alarm system was due to be installed tomorrow.
The offenders are shown on CCTV using the wheelie bins to remove the goods and Police have been informed .