Eye on Social Media
While there is still very little in the way of racing action it would appear that closed door practice sessions have now been allowed to take place with Richie Worrall one of the first to be back on track. The Edinburgh Monarchs star, like many, has been itching to be back on a bike and he took the opportunity to practice at old club Scunthorpe.

Berwick were another club to have held a practice session behind closed doors with the 2020 Bandits getting their first laps around the newly reshaped Shielfield Park.
Elsewhere it seems that the lockdown hasn’t just been a frustration to the current crop of riders, with some past riders dusting off their old gear.
Former Sheffield star Sean Wilson had been spotted on Twitter firing up his old bike, but it is unknown whether a comeback is on. Of course Sean was a top line rider in his day with a celebrated career, which he spoke about recently on the excellent Talk Speedway Podcast.
If you’re a fan of speedway, and a fan of a few funny stories, then that episode of the podcast is must listen stuff!

With the lack of on track action many clubs have been digging into their archives to bring us content. Despite it being over a decade since the Oxford Cheetahs last took to the track, their presence on social media is admirable and a recent post brought us a brilliant throwback from 1998.
They had a star studded team that year including stars like Jason Crump and Steve Johnstone, but with those kevlars there was no danger of any one star outshining the team!
Dan Bewley was quick to state that the colour scheme wouldn’t look out of place in the insane world of Joe Exotic, star of the much talked about Tiger King TV show on Netflix!

He may have a point to be fair!
If you wish to agree, or disagree with me, you have spotted something on social media you feel is worth a mention here, or you simply want to chew the fat over all things speedway , then get in touch either via email jbspeedwaymedia@hotmail.com, via the JB Speedway Media Facebook page or you can even tweet me @Mythman666.
Until next time, and there will be a next time.