Attendance Guidance
Important – please read before attending!
Tickets have now sold out for tomorrow’s clash against the Edinburgh Monarchs. Please do not come if you haven’t pre-booked a ticket, as we cannot sell any more tickets at the gate. If you have selected a ticket that requires proof of age or ID, please make sure to bring this with you. Concessions are limited to Over 65’s, Students with valid ID and people who are disabled (must be in need a carer).
There is another large event taking place at the motorsports park at the same time tomorrow, so parking in the main car park is for people who have mobility issues only. We have the use of a car park belonging to the offices as you enter Dormor Way, and also the large car park belonging to Iron Works MX, which is accessed from the Motorsports Park. Please follow our marshal’s instructions, who will guide you to the correct place. If all car parks are full, you can park along South Bank Road, but should leave time to make the short walk to the stadium if you do.
Please arrive early and have your eTicket ready. You can either print your ticket for our staff to scan, or have it ready to scan on your smart phone. If you don’t have the ability to display your ticket on arrival for any reason, please bring ID and our staff will be able to find your ticket on our system instead.
Please make sure you have read our Covid guidance before you arrive, which can be found on our website at
Please be aware that you must be seated when eating food or alcohol purchased on site. This is currently law and unfortunately we cannot allow anybody to eat or drink whilst walking or standing around the stadium. You must not bring your own alcohol into the stadium – doing so will lead to eviction from the premises.
We have several tables and chairs around the stadium – please do not sit at a table unless you are drinking or eating. A lack of seats due to people using them just to relax will prevent people who do want to eat or drink from being able to do so.
Please be patient with our staff who will do their best to serve you as quickly as possible. We will have Covid Marshals on duty to police that Covid regulations are being followed – again, these are conditions we need to meet in order to stage speedway until current restrictions are relaxed by Government.
We apologise to those who have been unable to buy a seat for the grandstand. We will be emailing instructions to season ticket holders who have missed out, detailing how they can guarantee a seat for future fixtures in 2021.
Your season passes will be available to collect from the turnstiles when you arrive. Please bring ID.
We look forward to welcoming you all tomorrow on a warm bank holiday afternoon!