Bikes Recovered
We are very pleased to announce that Ryan Kinsley’s bikes have been safely recovered this evening.
3 of Ryan’s bikes were stolen early on Saturday morning, along with his van, tools and race wear. The bikes were recovered after an anonymous tip was given to Ryan on the promise of a reward.
Promoters Jitendra Duffill, Jade Mudgway and Jamie Swales were able to locate and collect them this evening on the back of the information received. Unfortunately Ryan’s tools, protective race equipment and several spares are still missing – we feel they are unlikely to be found, but ask people to pass on any information if they see them offered for sale.
Everyone at Redcar Speedway would like to thank everybody that helped us in the search for the missing items. We had thousands of people share our posts, help from local media and over £3000 raised through our Go Fund Me account. We are blown away by the support, kindness and generosity that has been given. The money from the Go Fund Me account will be a massive help when replacing missing equipment and damage to the recovered items.
Thank you all so much!